網路價:160元,結帳享5%折扣後 152


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 經前綜合征舒緩配方
  • 支持健康的月經週期
  • Non GMO
  • 無麩質
  • 適用於素食主義者/嚴格素食者
  • 保證純度和效力

WomenSense 是一系列專門幫助女性開發多面健康潛力的產品。


質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


每日 1-3 次,每次 1 粒膠囊,或遵醫囑。

網路價:246元,結帳享5%折扣後 234


  • 始於1972年
  • 有助於維持健康的抵抗功能
  • 南非醉茄
  • 由2000毫克南非醉茄製成
  • 探索大自然的答案
  • 不含麩質
  • 不含酒精
  • 草本補充劑
  • 猶太潔食
  • 生物螯合冷萃取過程



作為一種膳食補充劑,溶于少量水中,一天服用三 (3) 次,每次 1-2 毫升(28-56 滴)。

網路價:510元,結帳享5%折扣後 485
網路價:455元,結帳享5%折扣後 433
網路價:777元,結帳享5%折扣後 739
網路價:444元,結帳享5%折扣後 422
網路價:245元,結帳享5%折扣後 233
網路價:231元,結帳享5%折扣後 220


1  dropperful (1 mg) every 2-3 hours for acute needs or 1 dropperful 2 times per day for regular immune support, or as directed by a health professional. 

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  • 膳食補充劑
  • 強化抵抗系統
  • 純度和效力保證


1  dropperful (1 mg) every 2-3 hours for acute needs or 1 dropperful 2 times per day for regular immune support, or as directed by a health professional. 

網路價:523元,結帳享5%折扣後 497


  • 喉嚨噴霧
  • 天然舒緩作用
  • 保證純度和效力

Echinamide 產品僅由 Natural Factors 開發。這種噴霧含有 Echinamide 紫錐菊提取物、禦菌蜂膠等草本,以舒緩喉嚨和呼吸。支持舒緩喉嚨發癢、提升呼吸。紫錐菊喉嚨噴霧方便攜帶。只需要將它放進錢包和雙肩包中,用來滋潤乾燥的喉嚨(對於每天使用使用嗓子頻繁的人非常有效,如:教師、講師、歌手等)。Echinamide 是一種專利、超級提取的紫錐菊液體產品,由 Natural Factors 在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省直接生產和種植(按照 1990 年《加利福尼亞有機食品法》,並通過北奧有機協會 (NOOA) 認可)。結合紫錐菊根和花,挑選出峰值和實地採摘,實驗室表明了優效作用(含有三種主要活性成分的標準效力,即烷基胺、多糖、菊苣酸)。紫錐菊喉嚨噴霧也含有:金銀草根和連翹;滑榆;甘草;丁香;沒藥和黑櫻桃,清新呼吸。



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  • 喉嚨噴霧
  • 天然舒緩作用
  • 保證純度和效力

Echinamide 產品僅由 Natural Factors 開發。這種噴霧含有 Echinamide 紫錐菊提取物、禦菌蜂膠等草本,以舒緩喉嚨和呼吸。支持舒緩喉嚨發癢、提升呼吸。紫錐菊喉嚨噴霧方便攜帶。只需要將它放進錢包和雙肩包中,用來滋潤乾燥的喉嚨(對於每天使用使用嗓子頻繁的人非常有效,如:教師、講師、歌手等)。Echinamide 是一種專利、超級提取的紫錐菊液體產品,由 Natural Factors 在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省直接生產和種植(按照 1990 年《加利福尼亞有機食品法》,並通過北奧有機協會 (NOOA) 認可)。結合紫錐菊根和花,挑選出峰值和實地採摘,實驗室表明了優效作用(含有三種主要活性成分的標準效力,即烷基胺、多糖、菊苣酸)。紫錐菊喉嚨噴霧也含有:金銀草根和連翹;滑榆;甘草;丁香;沒藥和黑櫻桃,清新呼吸。



網路價:308元,結帳享5%折扣後 293


1 softgel every 2-3 hours for acute needs, or 1 softgel 2 times per day for regular immune support. Children 5 years and older, take 1 softgel every 4-6 hours or 1 softgel daily for regular immune support, or use as directed by a health professional.

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  • 膳食補充劑
  • Echinamide®,研究證實優效成分
  • 保護免疫系統
  • 保證純度和效力

本產品由全譜免疫支援配方製成,含有 Echinamide® 成分、黃芪、靈芝、印度香菜和甘草提取物。Echinamide® 由人手採摘的新鮮有機紫松果菊花、葉、莖、根製成,原料產自加拿大奧卡諾根的自營農場。紫松果菊是一種應用廣泛的傳統草本,有助於提升機體抵抗能力,優化整體健康。

Echinamide® 是一種獨特的植物成分,包含三種提取自紫松果菊且符合標準化水準的關鍵活性化合物。兩項隨機雙盲安慰劑對照試驗結果明確表明,Echinamide® 有助於強化免疫系統。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


1 softgel every 2-3 hours for acute needs, or 1 softgel 2 times per day for regular immune support. Children 5 years and older, take 1 softgel every 4-6 hours or 1 softgel daily for regular immune support, or use as directed by a health professional.

網路價:554元,結帳享5%折扣後 527


每次咀嚼服用 1 粒軟咀嚼片,每日 1-6 次,或遵醫囑。10 歲以下的兒童,建議使用量的一半。不適合 2 歲以下兒童。
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  • 膳食補充劑
  • 一口舒緩的支持!
  • 即刻薄荷爆炸!
  • 保證純度和效力
以蜂蜜和 ECHINAMIDE® 為基底,含舒緩桉樹、薄荷、檸檬。

快速爆炸液體凝膠軟咀嚼塊的配方可提供舒緩、即時的薄荷香氣。以蜂蜜和 ECHINAMIDE 為基料,含桉樹、薄荷、檸檬。ECHINAMIDE 由人工採摘的新鮮紫松果菊花、葉、莖、根製成,原料產自加拿大奧卡諾根的自營農場。



質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


每次咀嚼服用 1 粒軟咀嚼片,每日 1-6 次,或遵醫囑。10 歲以下的兒童,建議使用量的一半。不適合 2 歲以下兒童。
網路價:185元,結帳享5%折扣後 176


  • 創立於1972年
  • 高級植物指紋
  • 學名 Lobelia Inflata
  • 發現自然的答案
  • 無穀蛋白低酒精
  • 草本補充劑
  • 無穀蛋白
  • 猶太潔食
  • 生物螯合冷提取工藝

Natures Answer有機醇提取物使用我們的專利冷萃取工藝,產生一個整體平衡的標準提取物。液體提取物的吸收快於片劑或膠囊。 整體平衡保證提取物的成分與植株具有相同的比率。


作為膳食補充劑,每次服用 1/4毫升 (大約 7 滴),每日3次,兌入少量水服用。

網路價:310元,結帳享5%折扣後 295
網路價:222元,結帳享5%折扣後 211
網路價:377元,結帳享5%折扣後 359
網路價:222元,結帳享5%折扣後 211
網路價:288元,結帳享5%折扣後 274
網路價:355元,結帳享5%折扣後 338


  • 創立於 1972 年
  • 認可的植物學指紋
  • 刺五加
  • 超濃縮 2000 毫克
  • 發現自然的答案
  • 無麩質
  • 草本補充劑
  • 猶太潔食認可
  • 生物螯合冷提取工藝


我們的生產設施已獲得 NSF GMP 認可、有機認可和潔食認可



網路價:510元,結帳享5%折扣後 485
網路價:510元,結帳享5%折扣後 485
網路價:333元,結帳享5%折扣後 317


  • 始於 1972 年
  • 高級植物指紋圖譜
  • 文無
  • 超濃縮 1000 毫克
  • 無麩質
  • 草本補充劑
  • 符合猶太戒律
  • 生物螯合冷萃取過程


我們的設施經 cGMP 認證、有機認證和猶太潔食認證



網路價:399元,結帳享5%折扣後 380


  • 始於 1972 年
  • 高級植物指紋圖譜
  • 五味子
  • 超級濃縮的2000毫克
  • 探索大自然的答案
  • 不含麩質
  • 草本補充劑
  • 符合猶太戒律
  • 生物螯合冷萃取過程


我們的設施經 cGMP 認證、有機認證和猶太潔食認證。




網路價:310元,結帳享5%折扣後 295
網路價:555元,結帳享5%折扣後 528
網路價:302元,結帳享5%折扣後 287


  • 信任Nature’s Herbs
  • 自1968年以來的優異品質
  • 草本補充劑
  • Freshcare系統



網路價:370元,結帳享5%折扣後 352


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 有助於保護胃黏膜和腸壁
  • 適用於素食主義者/嚴格素食者
  • 保證純度和效力

去甘草甜素甘草 (DGL) 是一種安心優效甘草提取物。該成分由特殊加工工藝製成,去除了甘草甜素,從而避免了使用後血壓值升高的潛在風險。DGL 有助於保持天然胃黏膜和腸壁完整性。DGL 通過刺激各種保護因數保護人體天然黏膜結構。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔



網路價:230元,結帳享5%折扣後 219
網路價:310元,結帳享5%折扣後 295


  • 信任自然草本
  • 從 1968 年以來的優質產品
  • 狂野鄉村
  • 草本補充劑
  • FreshCare 系統

我們特有的 FreshCare 系統可以控制正常的植物氧化,保持產品效力,並延長新鮮度。每粒膠囊中均包含全天然抵禦氧化自由基成分,氣密性密封和高級瓶身設計,以實現更好性能。


請按說明使用。每日 2 粒。

網路價:355元,結帳享5%折扣後 338


  • Dietary Supplement
  • Super Fruit Antioxidant
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed

This hand-picked, organically-grown maca is carefully sourced from producers in the pristine Andes who share our commitment to fair trade and sustainable practices. Using whole tubers, the maca is gelatinized to create an extract that is much stronger, easier to digest, and more bioavailable than standard powdered root. Power Maca also contains ginseng for added energy and stamina.



網路價:354元,結帳享5%折扣後 337


每天兩餐之間服用 1-4 次,每次 1 粒,或遵照保健專業人員的指示服用。用於保養時,每天服用 2 次,每次 1 粒膠囊。

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  • 膳食補充劑
  • 草本因數
  • 15% 橄欖苦苷
  • 支援身體的抵禦系統
  • 保證純度和效力

Natural Factors® 的橄欖葉提取物含有經標準化工序獲得的橄欖苦苷,該成分是一種有助於提升機體防禦力的特強植物化合物。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


每天兩餐之間服用 1-4 次,每次 1 粒,或遵照保健專業人員的指示服用。用於保養時,每天服用 2 次,每次 1 粒膠囊。

網路價:323元,結帳享5%折扣後 307



由 Natural Factors 製造,以確保安心和效力符合 FDA 和加拿大衛生部的良好生產規範。

不含人工色素、防腐劑、甜味劑;無乳製品、澱粉、糖、小麥、麩質、酵母、大豆、蛋類、魚類、甲殼類水生動物、鹽、木本堅果、GMO 產品。

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  • 膳食補充劑
  • 機體抵抗支持
  • 標準化提取物
  • 歐洲來源
  • 人工採集

ElderCraft® 歐洲黑接骨木提取物是一種通過獨特的無溶劑提取工藝獲得的,天然水果花青素、多糖和漿果微量營養素的專利活性混合物。ElderCraft® 接骨木直接來自奧地利種植和收穫莊稼的農民。接骨木漿果具有高密度營養素,由於其許多健康益處(包括支持機體抵抗和呼吸系統),數百年來其一直被使用。

質譜:經試驗室測試 ✔



由 Natural Factors 製造,以確保安心和效力符合 FDA 和加拿大衛生部的良好生產規範。

不含人工色素、防腐劑、甜味劑;無乳製品、澱粉、糖、小麥、麩質、酵母、大豆、蛋類、魚類、甲殼類水生動物、鹽、木本堅果、GMO 產品。

網路價:185元,結帳享5%折扣後 176



不含人工色素、防腐劑、甜味劑;無乳製品、澱粉、糖、小麥、麩質、酵母、大豆、蛋類、魚類、甲殼類水生動物、鹽、木本堅果、GMO 產品。

由 Natural Factors 製造,以確保安心和效力符合 FDA 和加拿大衛生部的良好生產規範。

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  • 機體抵抗支持
  • 標準化提取物
  • 120 粒速效軟凝膠
  • 歐洲來源
  • 人工採集
  • Isura™
  • Non-GMO • 質譜
  • 文獻資料
  • 經試驗室測試

ElderCraft® 歐洲黑接骨木提取物是一種通過獨特的無溶劑提取工藝獲得的,天然水果花青素、多糖和漿果微量營養素的專利活性混合物。ElderCraft® 接骨木直接來自奧地利種植和收穫莊稼的農民。接骨木漿果具有高密度營養素,由於其許多健康益處(包括支持機體抵抗和呼吸系統),數百年來其一直被使用。



不含人工色素、防腐劑、甜味劑;無乳製品、澱粉、糖、小麥、麩質、酵母、大豆、蛋類、魚類、甲殼類水生動物、鹽、木本堅果、GMO 產品。

由 Natural Factors 製造,以確保安心和效力符合 FDA 和加拿大衛生部的良好生產規範。

網路價:339元,結帳享5%折扣後 323


  • 維護大腦健康
  • 有助於維護記憶力
  • 支持敏銳的警覺性
  • 膳食補充劑


  • 幾個世紀以來,草本植物一直被用於中藥。
  • 支持迴圈以加強認知功能。


每次1粒, 每日1次, 隨餐服用.

網路價:325元,結帳享5%折扣後 309


  • Dietary Supplement
  • Blood Sugar & Cardiovascular Support
  • Suitable for Vegetarians/Vegans
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed

Berberine is a naturally occurring plant alkaloid found in various plants, including barberry, goldenseal, and Oregon grape. Many herbalists credit this unique alkaloid for the beneficial effects of many traditional tonics made from these plants. Berberine plays an important role in blood sugar (glucose) metabolism and cardiovascular health. Berberine helps maintain healthy blood sugar and total cholesterol levels already within the normal range.

Non-GMO: Documentation ✔
Mass Spec: Lab Tested ✔



網路價:431元,結帳享5%折扣後 410


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 控制血糖和心血管健康支持
  • 適用於素食主義者/嚴格素食者
  • 保證純度和效力

小檗堿是一種天然植物堿,常見於伏牛花、白毛茛和俄勒岡葡萄。許多草本藥劑師認為,這些草本植物的滋補效果主要歸功於小檗堿。小檗堿對控制血糖代謝和保護心血管健康有重要作用。Berberine 有助於維持健康的血糖和總膽固醇水準。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔



網路價:769元,結帳享5%折扣後 731


  • 膳食補充劑
  • Siliphos®®磷脂®
  • 支持肝臟的自然淨體過程
  • 適用於素食/嚴格素食
  • 保證純度和效力

水飛薊種子含有一種類黃酮複合物,稱為水飛薊素,由水飛薊賓、異水飛薊素、次水飛薊素組成。研究表明,水飛薊賓的吸收是釋放水飛薊健康功效的關鍵。然而,常規水飛薊賓進入胃和消化道時吸收不良,容易被破壞。Siliphos 使用專門為優化水飛薊賓吸收而開發的特性植物體技術開發而成。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


每日 2-3 次,每次 1 粒膠囊,或遵醫囑。

網路價:385元,結帳享5%折扣後 366


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 150 毫克標準化水飛薊素
  • 健康的肝功能
  • 保證純度和效力

Natural Factors® 的水飛薊提取物含標準化水飛薊素,其品質優於世界上其他同類產品。研究顯示,水飛薊提取物有助於優化肝功能健康。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


每日 3-6 次,每次 1 粒膠囊,隨餐服用,或者在醫師指導下服用。

網路價:369元,結帳享5%折扣後 351


  • #1 藥劑師推薦*
  • 1250 毫克♦
  • 整粒大蒜濃縮物
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 未添加任何色素
  • 無人工香精
  • 不含防腐劑
  • 不含穀蛋白


Nature Made 採用了快速冷卻乾燥技術,很好地保留了大蒜包含的多數天然成分。除了抽乾水分,本產品未減少任何生大蒜的原有成分,另外,本產品也未添加任何額外成分。採取這種特殊工藝製成的產品成分溫和優效,而且保留了大蒜的香味。在按說明使用的前提下,大蒜在體內釋放營養成分時,不會讓口腔和肌膚產生難聞的氣味。

每片包含 500 毫克大蒜濃縮物。服用兩片相當於食用 2500 毫克新鮮大蒜(約合一頭大蒜的量),輕鬆滿足一般建議攝取量。本產品採用了易吞咽的包衣錠設計。

不會讓口腔和肌膚產生難聞的氣味。◎◎♦1250 毫克蒜頭當量。◎◎*基於《藥劑時報》調查得出的大蒜營養補充劑推薦用量。


成人每日兩次,每次 1 片,隨餐服用,用水送服。為了保持口氣清新,服用時請勿咀嚼。

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  • #1 藥劑師推薦*
  • 1250 毫克♦
  • 整粒大蒜濃縮物
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 未添加任何色素
  • 無人工香精
  • 不含防腐劑
  • 不含穀蛋白


Nature Made 採用了快速冷卻乾燥技術,很好地保留了大蒜包含的多數天然成分。除了抽乾水分,本產品未減少任何生大蒜的原有成分,另外,本產品也未添加任何額外成分。採取這種特殊工藝製成的產品成分溫和優效,而且保留了大蒜的香味。在按說明使用的前提下,大蒜在體內釋放營養成分時,不會讓口腔和肌膚產生難聞的氣味。

每片包含 500 毫克大蒜濃縮物。服用兩片相當於食用 2500 毫克新鮮大蒜(約合一頭大蒜的量),輕鬆滿足一般建議攝取量。本產品採用了易吞咽的包衣錠設計。


♦1250 毫克蒜頭當量。



成人每日兩次,每次 1 片,隨餐服用,用水送服。為了保持口氣清新,服用時請勿咀嚼。

網路價:276元,結帳享5%折扣後 263


  • Dietary Supplement
  • Improved Formula
  • 4.5 Odor-Controlled Garlic Cloves Per Capsule
  • Supports Immune & Cardiovascular Health
  • Suitable for Vegetarian/Vegans
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed

GarlicRich Garlic+Reishi provides support for the immune and cardiovascular systems. The 10:1 garlic concentrate is safe from pesticides and offers a full spectrum of important actives equal to 4.5 cloves of fresh garlic per capsule, while the potent 30:1 organic reishi mushroom extract provides additional adaptogenic support. 


Non-GMO: ✓ Documentation 

Mass Spec: ✓ Lab Tested 


1 capsule 1-2 times per day or as directed by a health professional.

網路價:246元,結帳享5%折扣後 234


  • 女性健康
  • 支援泌尿系統健康
  • 含減緩氧化劑
  • 每份含800毫克
  • 膳食補充劑


  • 通過促進健康的膀胱和尿道環境,以支持健康的尿路。
  • 含減緩氧化劑,保護細胞免受與老化和環境壓力有關的氧化損傷。


每天一次,每次服用 2 粒膠囊,隨餐服用。

網路價:177元,結帳享5%折扣後 169
網路價:266元,結帳享5%折扣後 253


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 科學研究
  • 有助於人體更好地應對壓力
  • 適用於素食主義者/嚴格素食者
  • 保證純度和效力

研究表明,Sensoril® 有助於控制壓力引起的間歇性疲勞、精神緊張和身體困乏等身體症狀。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


每次 1 粒膠囊,每日 2 次,或遵保健醫師指導。

網路價:308元,結帳享5%折扣後 293


每日 1 粒膠囊,可隨餐服用。
" border="0" src="">


  • 減少偶爾出現的壓力、焦慮和緊張
  • 感到平靜和平衡
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 完全不含方劑
  • 不會產生依賴
  • 素食
Natrol®Relaxia 幫助您更好地管理您的壓力。
  • 減輕壓力,南非醉茄
  • 感受平靜,L- 茶氨酸
  • 感受平衡,檸檬薄荷
  • 放鬆心情,5-HTP
Relaxia 讓您朝著過上更好的日子邁進。


  • 南非醉茄 - 支持身體抵抗日常壓力效應的能力。
  • 5-HTP - 能夠促進情緒加強的血清素產生
  • L- 茶氨酸 - 確保放鬆而不困倦
  • 檸檬薄荷 - 有助於平靜和平衡感


每日 1 粒膠囊,可隨餐服用。
網路價:592元,結帳享5%折扣後 563



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  • 男性健康
  • 促進男性性健康和活力的天然草本
  • 膳食補充劑

Natrol 育亨賓樹皮膠囊,500毫克是一款有益於男性健康的天然草本。

  • 有助於促進性活力。
  • 源於非洲西部的育亨賓樹皮。



網路價:266元,結帳享5%折扣後 253


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 10% 人參皂甙 Rg1 和 Rb1
  • 身心健康
  • 保證純度和效力

人參本軟膠囊產品由高麗參(一種高級人參)提取物製成,富含人參皂甙 Rg1 和 Rb1,兩種優效成分天然均衡,配比合理。研究表明,人參皂甙有助於保護身心健康。人參具備適應原特性,有助於人體更好地抵禦環境壓力。

質譜:經實驗室測試 ✔


每日服用 1-3 次,每次 1 粒;或遵照健康專業人員的指示服用。

網路價:215元,結帳享5%折扣後 205


  • 男性健康
  • 支持性活力
  • 促進優化生育能力
  • 膳食補充劑

Natrol 瑪卡 500 毫克幫助促進欲望和性能力健康。




網路價:236元,結帳享5%折扣後 225


  • 提升能量
  • 能量的天然草本來源
  • 支持思維清晰和專注力
  • 膳食補充劑

Natrol 瓜拉那 200 毫克:

  • 瓜拉那使用泡林藤屬瓜拉那的種子製成。
  • 咖啡萃取的天然來源,通常被用來提高能量水準。
  • 支援思維清晰和專注力。



網路價:266元,結帳享5%折扣後 253


  • Homeopathic
  • Homeopathic Product and Educational *Guide

Indications: This product and *guide together are designed and formulated to help temporarily relieve symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning, nerve pain and pins and needles.

Homeopathic Ingredient **Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Aconitum napellus HPUS coldness and numbness; sharp, shooting pain that follows nerve paths
Belladonna HPUS sensitivity to touch in some or many parts of the body; pains that come and go; pains that are throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting
Hypericum perforatum HPUS jerking and twitching of muscles along with pain from the lower back down
Kali Phosphoricum HPUS general muscle ache, numbness in arms or hands
Magnesium Phosphoricum HPUS back pain; cramping of various muscles; tender
Phosphorus HPUS swelling of hands and feet; numbness and falling asleep of limbs
Spigelia anthelmia HPUS needle-like stitches in various muscles, tearing, twitching pains
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.◎ *Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Results of Nerve Pain

Minor nerve interference causes different reactions in the body. Abnormal sensations may include numbness, tingling, burning, pins and needles, or similar symptoms. This is often a result of nerve irritation, localized swelling, or injury. Hands, fingers, feet, back and even the face are the most commonly affected areas.

Types of Assistance

Working with your doctor to identify the underlying reasons for nerve related issues can often decrease and sometimes eliminate symptoms. Your physician may recommend certain exercises, which might help stretched, shortened or constricted muscles.

In addition to NerveFix there are also a number of therapies and lifestyle changes which may help with your particular symptoms. These might include chiropractic, relaxation training, biofeedback, anti-gravity inversion, ice application, walking, exercise rehabilitation, yoga, warm baths, massage, wearing shoes that fit well, acupuncture, physio-therapy and avoiding alcohol. Contact your health care provider for more information.

*Free Online Guide to Nerve Health


While following the online guide, adults and children over the age of 12 take two capsules daily.

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  • Homeopathic
  • Homeopathic Product and Educational *Guide

Indications: This product and *guide together are designed and formulated to help temporarily relieve symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning, nerve pain and pins and needles.

Homeopathic Ingredient **Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Aconitum napellus HPUS coldness and numbness; sharp, shooting pain that follows nerve paths
Belladonna HPUS sensitivity to touch in some or many parts of the body; pains that come and go; pains that are throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting
Hypericum perforatum HPUS jerking and twitching of muscles along with pain from the lower back down
Kali Phosphoricum HPUS general muscle ache, numbness in arms or hands
Magnesium Phosphoricum HPUS back pain; cramping of various muscles; tender
Phosphorus HPUS swelling of hands and feet; numbness and falling asleep of limbs
Spigelia anthelmia HPUS needle-like stitches in various muscles, tearing, twitching pains
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.
*Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Results of Nerve Pain

Minor nerve interference causes different reactions in the body. Abnormal sensations may include numbness, tingling, burning, pins and needles, or similar symptoms. This is often a result of nerve irritation, localized swelling, or injury. Hands, fingers, feet, back and even the face are the most commonly affected areas.

Types of Assistance

Working with your doctor to identify the underlying reasons for nerve related issues can often decrease and sometimes eliminate symptoms. Your physician may recommend certain exercises, which might help stretched, shortened or constricted muscles.

In addition to NerveFix there are also a number of therapies and lifestyle changes which may help with your particular symptoms. These might include chiropractic, relaxation training, biofeedback, anti-gravity inversion, ice application, walking, exercise rehabilitation, yoga, warm baths, massage, wearing shoes that fit well, acupuncture, physio-therapy and avoiding alcohol. Contact your health care provider for more information.

*Free Online Guide to Nerve Health


While following the online guide, adults and children over the age of 12 take two capsules daily.

網路價:651元,結帳享5%折扣後 619
網路價:453元,結帳享5%折扣後 431


  • Homeopathic
  • Vein Health Support System

Indications: This product and guide together are designed and formulated for the relief of symptoms that can be associated with spider veins; bulging, bluish, lumpy varicose veins; aching, sore and swollen feet and legs; burning, stinging, itching and crawling sensations; vein inflammation; Phlebitis (inflammation of veins, usually in legs).

Varicose and Spider Veins

Varicose and spider veins affect many lives, not only physically, but also emotionally. Although men are affected, these conditions are far more common among women, affecting nearly 50% of adult women. Veins have tiny valves on their inner walls to prevent the blood from flowing backward. In the legs, the blood must flow through the veins upwards against the force of gravity. If the valves do not work properly, circulation is impaired and blood accumulates in the veins, stretching them. The result is varicose veins–abnormally enlarged, bulging, often bluish and lumpy-looking veins, which are often accompanied by dull, nagging aches and pains.

Spider veins develop as a result of a weakening in the vein wall or because of increased pressure in the vein system. In addition, injuries, accidents (such as those causing heavy bruising), and surgery may all cause spider veins.

Some may need to use VeinGard for 3-6 months. For best results use in combination with VeinGard Cream


Use only as directed. While following the online guide, adults take one capsule three times daily with meals. For optimal benefit, take two capsules three times daily.

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  • Homeopathic
  • Vein Health Support System

Indications: This product and guide together are designed and formulated for the relief of symptoms that can be associated with spider veins; bulging, bluish, lumpy varicose veins; aching, sore and swollen feet and legs; burning, stinging, itching and crawling sensations; vein inflammation; Phlebitis (inflammation of veins, usually in legs).

Varicose and Spider Veins

Varicose and spider veins affect many lives, not only physically, but also emotionally. Although men are affected, these conditions are far more common among women, affecting nearly 50% of adult women. Veins have tiny valves on their inner walls to prevent the blood from flowing backward. In the legs, the blood must flow through the veins upwards against the force of gravity. If the valves do not work properly, circulation is impaired and blood accumulates in the veins, stretching them. The result is varicose veins–abnormally enlarged, bulging, often bluish and lumpy-looking veins, which are often accompanied by dull, nagging aches and pains.

Spider veins develop as a result of a weakening in the vein wall or because of increased pressure in the vein system. In addition, injuries, accidents (such as those causing heavy bruising), and surgery may all cause spider veins.

Some may need to use VeinGard for 3-6 months. For best results use in combination with VeinGard Cream


Use only as directed. While following the online guide, adults take one capsule three times daily with meals. For optimal benefit, take two capsules three times daily.

網路價:450元,結帳享5%折扣後 428


  • Fight Ringing in the Ears
  • Homeopathic
  • Healthy Hearing Support System

Indications: This product and guide together are designed and formulated to help temporarily relieve minor symptoms of ringing and/or buzzing in the ears, and sensitivity to noise.

Probable Causes of Hearing Issues

Up to 90% of all people who seek treatment for ear problems have some level of hearing loss, usually noise-induced. Exposure to loud noises is by far the most likely culprit.

Important Information

Since some hearing concerns might be a symptom of another health problem, see your health professional. Caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, aspirin, antihistamines, and prescription or over-the-counter medications may aggravate existing ear issues.

Homeopathic Ingredients *Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Carbo Vegetabilis HPUS deafness; tingling and buzzing in the ears
Natrum Salicylicum HPUS ringing in the ears of a low tone, whistling or hissing noises in ears
Salicylicum Acidum HPUS roaring in ears and difficult hearing; swarm of bees or buzzing
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.◎ *Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.



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  • Fight Ringing in the Ears
  • Homeopathic
  • Healthy Hearing Support System

Indications: This product and guide together are designed and formulated to help temporarily relieve minor symptoms of ringing and/or buzzing in the ears, and sensitivity to noise.

Probable Causes of Hearing Issues

Up to 90% of all people who seek treatment for ear problems have some level of hearing loss, usually noise-induced. Exposure to loud noises is by far the most likely culprit.

Important Information

Since some hearing concerns might be a symptom of another health problem, see your health professional. Caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, aspirin, antihistamines, and prescription or over-the-counter medications may aggravate existing ear issues.

Homeopathic Ingredients *Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Carbo Vegetabilis HPUS deafness; tingling and buzzing in the ears
Natrum Salicylicum HPUS ringing in the ears of a low tone, whistling or hissing noises in ears
Salicylicum Acidum HPUS roaring in ears and difficult hearing; swarm of bees or buzzing
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.
*Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.



網路價:444元,結帳享5%折扣後 422


在前 30-90 天,成年人每日服用三粒膠囊。之後,可減少到每日兩次,每次一粒膠囊。持續使用 3-6 個月,效果更佳。

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  • 對抗耳鳴
  • 順勢護理
  • 超值尺寸!



在前 30-90 天,成年人每日服用三粒膠囊。之後,可減少到每日兩次,每次一粒膠囊。持續使用 3-6 個月,效果更佳。

網路價:1,838元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,747


  • 順勢護理



側頭部疼痛通常不只是嚴重的頭部疼痛。它可能涉及疼痛、噁心、嘔吐,以及對光和聲的敏感性。它幾乎總是在頭部的一側,儘管有些類型的側頭部疼痛會影響整個頭部。側頭部疼痛一詞起源于法國,起源於希臘語hemicrania 一詞,與古英語單詞 megrim 一樣。Hemicrania 的字面意思是“只有一半的頭部”,這描述了大多數側頭部疼痛。◎任何遭受側頭部疼痛的人都可以證明其使人虛弱的症狀。這些包括抽動性疼痛、噁心(占患者的 90%)、視力模糊、鼻塞、面色蒼白、頭皮壓痛、脖子僵硬以及對光和聲音的敏感性。



  • 缺乏食物或睡眠
  • 強光或嘈雜噪音
  • 月經週期
  • 壓力和焦慮
  • 過敏反應
  • 天氣變化
  • 巧克力、酒精、尼古丁
  • 食品添加劑,例如味精、酪胺、硝酸鹽


Use only as directed. While following the online guide. Adults and children 12 years of age and older, take 2 capsules at the earliest sign of migraine symptoms, and every 4-6 hours up to 4 times daily. For severe conditions, 2 capsules may be taken every 2-4 hours. Do not exceed 16 capsules per day. If your symptoms continue or worsen, please contact your health professional. For children under 12, consult your health care provider before use.

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  • 順勢護理



側頭部疼痛通常不只是嚴重的頭部疼痛。它可能涉及疼痛、噁心、嘔吐,以及對光和聲的敏感性。它幾乎總是在頭部的一側,儘管有些類型的側頭部疼痛會影響整個頭部。側頭部疼痛一詞起源于法國,起源於希臘語hemicrania 一詞,與古英語單詞 megrim 一樣。Hemicrania 的字面意思是“只有一半的頭部”,這描述了大多數側頭部疼痛。
任何遭受側頭部疼痛的人都可以證明其使人虛弱的症狀。這些包括抽動性疼痛、噁心(占患者的 90%)、視力模糊、鼻塞、面色蒼白、頭皮壓痛、脖子僵硬以及對光和聲音的敏感性。



  • 缺乏食物或睡眠
  • 強光或嘈雜噪音
  • 月經週期
  • 壓力和焦慮
  • 過敏反應
  • 天氣變化
  • 巧克力、酒精、尼古丁
  • 食品添加劑,例如味精、酪胺、硝酸鹽


Use only as directed. While following the online guide. Adults and children 12 years of age and older, take 2 capsules at the earliest sign of migraine symptoms, and every 4-6 hours up to 4 times daily. For severe conditions, 2 capsules may be taken every 2-4 hours. Do not exceed 16 capsules per day. If your symptoms continue or worsen, please contact your health professional. For children under 12, consult your health care provider before use.

網路價:432元,結帳享5%折扣後 411


  • 順勢護理
  • 不瞌睡配方!
  • 順勢療法產品和教育指南
適應癥: 本產品和指南共同設計和配制,可暫時緩解由于登高、旅行或運動引起的惡心、眩暈、頭暈、暈動癥、暈船癥和伴隨神經質。◎◎
硝酸銀 HPUS平衡問題(眩暈)和頭暈
瀉根 HPUS嚴重的頭暈和/或耳鳴;惡心;混沌
苛性鈉 HPUS夜間、早晨和睡眠時,或者彎腰或仰望時,出現眩暈、焦慮,伴有頭暈
木防己 HPUS乘船或乘車時的暈動癥、暈船癥、惡心,眩暈
常綠鉤吻藤 HPUS小兒頭暈;緊張;頭暈眼花
石墨 HPUS暈動癥嘔吐;旋轉感(眩暈)
HPUS 表示成分已在美國順勢藥典中正式列出。*僅基于順勢療法本草的參考文獻。
什么是暈動癥?◎◎暈動癥或運動病,也稱為旅行病,是前庭系統不適應不熟悉運動的情況。根據原因,可以將其稱為暈車癥、暈機癥、暈船癥、模擬暈動癥或航空暈。◎◎暈動癥是可能由頭部運動引起的惡心、定向障礙、疲勞。通常,起初的跡象是臉色蒼白。隨著癥狀的發展,可能會出現胃部不適、疲勞或嗜睡。后階段的特征是惡心和嘔吐。◎◎即使在溫和的情況下(例如在平穩的船上),約 33% 的人也容易暈動,而將近 66% 的人在更嚴重的情況下也容易暈動。◎◎前庭系統有助于平衡和空間定向。◎◎


請按說明使用。遵循在線指南,成人和 12 歲以上的兒童每日至多 3 次,每次服用 2 粒膠囊。

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  • 順勢護理
  • 不瞌睡配方!
  • 順勢療法產品和教育指南
適應癥: 本產品和指南共同設計和配制,可暫時緩解由于登高、旅行或運動引起的惡心、眩暈、頭暈、暈動癥、暈船癥和伴隨神經質。

硝酸銀 HPUS平衡問題(眩暈)和頭暈
瀉根 HPUS嚴重的頭暈和/或耳鳴;惡心;混沌
苛性鈉 HPUS夜間、早晨和睡眠時,或者彎腰或仰望時,出現眩暈、焦慮,伴有頭暈
木防己 HPUS乘船或乘車時的暈動癥、暈船癥、惡心,眩暈
常綠鉤吻藤 HPUS小兒頭暈;緊張;頭暈眼花
石墨 HPUS暈動癥嘔吐;旋轉感(眩暈)
HPUS 表示成分已在美國順勢藥典中正式列出。*僅基于順勢療法本草的參考文獻。



即使在溫和的情況下(例如在平穩的船上),約 33% 的人也容易暈動,而將近 66% 的人在更嚴重的情況下也容易暈動。



請按說明使用。遵循在線指南,成人和 12 歲以上的兒童每日至多 3 次,每次服用 2 粒膠囊。

網路價:621元,結帳享5%折扣後 590
網路價:1,009元,結帳享5%折扣後 959


  • For Adults & Children
  • Homeopathic
  • Non-Addictive

Indications: This product is designed and formulated for the temporary, soothing relief of nasal and sinus congestion and pressure and dry, irritated nasal membranes associated with a cold and sinusitis; irritated/swollen sinus passages; hay fever; or other upper respiratory allergies (allergic rhinitis). Helps cleanse nasal passages and promotes nasal and sinus drainage.

90% of germs, viruses and pollutants may enter your body through the nose!

All of us breathe in through our nose and are inundated daily with thousands of foreign micro particles.

Super Strength SinuFix Mist is an innovative formula specifically designed and formulated to assist with nasal congestion.

  • Non-prescription
  • Use Year-round
  • No preservatives
  • No chemical dependency
Homeopathic Ingredient *Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Ambroisia artemisiaefolia HPUS watery coryza, irritation of the trachea and bronchial tubes, hay-fever
Lemna minor HPUS nasal congestion with a build-up of mucus (catarrh)
Spigelia anthelmia HPUS copious discharge of mucus; frequent sneezing frequent nasal congestion
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.◎ *Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.


Use only as directed. Adults and children 6 years of age and older: at the first sign of symptoms, gently blow your nose to help clear the nasal passageway prior to using Super Strength SinuFix. Prior to initial use, remove the safety clip and prime the pump by holding it upright and pumping 1 or more times into a tissue until the solution is dispensed. Insert nozzle into nostril and depress pump completely while breathing in through your nose. Spray 1-2 times in each nostril every 2-4 hours up to 7 times daily. The nasal pump sprayer provides precise dose delivery of the soothing spray in a fine mist. Wipe nozzle clean after each use and replace cap. Children under 6 years of age: Consult a health care professional.

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  • For Adults & Children
  • Homeopathic
  • Non-Addictive

Indications: This product is designed and formulated for the temporary, soothing relief of nasal and sinus congestion and pressure and dry, irritated nasal membranes associated with a cold and sinusitis; irritated/swollen sinus passages; hay fever; or other upper respiratory allergies (allergic rhinitis). Helps cleanse nasal passages and promotes nasal and sinus drainage.

90% of germs, viruses and pollutants may enter your body through the nose!

All of us breathe in through our nose and are inundated daily with thousands of foreign micro particles.

Super Strength SinuFix Mist is an innovative formula specifically designed and formulated to assist with nasal congestion.

  • Non-prescription
  • Use Year-round
  • No preservatives
  • No chemical dependency
Homeopathic Ingredient *Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Ambroisia artemisiaefolia HPUS watery coryza, irritation of the trachea and bronchial tubes, hay-fever
Lemna minor HPUS nasal congestion with a build-up of mucus (catarrh)
Spigelia anthelmia HPUS copious discharge of mucus; frequent sneezing frequent nasal congestion
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.
*Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.


Use only as directed. Adults and children 6 years of age and older: at the first sign of symptoms, gently blow your nose to help clear the nasal passageway prior to using Super Strength SinuFix. Prior to initial use, remove the safety clip and prime the pump by holding it upright and pumping 1 or more times into a tissue until the solution is dispensed. Insert nozzle into nostril and depress pump completely while breathing in through your nose. Spray 1-2 times in each nostril every 2-4 hours up to 7 times daily. The nasal pump sprayer provides precise dose delivery of the soothing spray in a fine mist. Wipe nozzle clean after each use and replace cap. Children under 6 years of age: Consult a health care professional.

網路價:451元,結帳享5%折扣後 429


  • For Adults & Children
  • Homeopathic
  • Non-Addictive
  • Nasal Mist

Indications: This product is designed and formulated for the temporary of symptoms of nasal congestion; sinus congestion, and pressure; and dry, irritated nasal membranes associated with sinusitis, irritated/swollen sinus passages, hay fever, and to help cleanse nasal passages and promote nasal and /or sinus drainage.

SinuFix Nasal Mist may help make nasal passages and sinuses feel clear and more comfortable so you can breathe and sleep better.

  • No artificial preservatives
  • Year-round relief
  • Non-prescription
  • No synthetic ingredients
Homeopathic Ingredient *Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Echinacea angustifolia HPUS headache, stuffiness of nostrils; headache above eyes
Hepar sulphuris calcareum HPUS redness and swelling of the nose; irritation of the nasal cavities; head cold; cough
Luffa operculata HPUS sinus pain, headache
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.◎ *Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.


Use only as directed. Adults and children 6 years of age and older: At the first sign of symptoms, gently blow your nose to help clear the nasal passageway prior to using SinuFix. Prior to initial use, remove the safety clip and prime the pump by holding it upright and pumping 1 or more times into a tissue until the solution is dispensed. Insert nozzle into nostril and depress pump completely while breathing in through your nose. Spray 1-2 times in each nostril every 2-4 hours up to 7 times daily. The nasal pump sprayer provides precise dose delivery of the soothing spray in a fine mist. Wipe nozzle clean after each use and replace cap. Children under 6 years of age: Consult a health care professional.

" border="0" src="">


  • For Adults & Children
  • Homeopathic
  • Non-Addictive
  • Nasal Mist

Indications: This product is designed and formulated for the temporary of symptoms of nasal congestion; sinus congestion, and pressure; and dry, irritated nasal membranes associated with sinusitis, irritated/swollen sinus passages, hay fever, and to help cleanse nasal passages and promote nasal and /or sinus drainage.

SinuFix Nasal Mist may help make nasal passages and sinuses feel clear and more comfortable so you can breathe and sleep better.

  • No artificial preservatives
  • Year-round relief
  • Non-prescription
  • No synthetic ingredients
Homeopathic Ingredient *Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Echinacea angustifolia HPUS headache, stuffiness of nostrils; headache above eyes
Hepar sulphuris calcareum HPUS redness and swelling of the nose; irritation of the nasal cavities; head cold; cough
Luffa operculata HPUS sinus pain, headache
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.
*Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.


Use only as directed. Adults and children 6 years of age and older: At the first sign of symptoms, gently blow your nose to help clear the nasal passageway prior to using SinuFix. Prior to initial use, remove the safety clip and prime the pump by holding it upright and pumping 1 or more times into a tissue until the solution is dispensed. Insert nozzle into nostril and depress pump completely while breathing in through your nose. Spray 1-2 times in each nostril every 2-4 hours up to 7 times daily. The nasal pump sprayer provides precise dose delivery of the soothing spray in a fine mist. Wipe nozzle clean after each use and replace cap. Children under 6 years of age: Consult a health care professional.

網路價:444元,結帳享5%折扣後 422


  • 每份含 100 毫克
  • 含維生素 C 和鋅
  • 支援健康的免疫系統
  • 味道好
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 空前美味的免疫支援產品
  • Non-GMO
  • 素食
  • 無麩質
  • 無人工香料、甜味劑或防腐劑
  • 天然風味的接骨木軟糖
Natrol® 接骨木軟糖產品為您提供了一種美味的免疫支援方案!

Natrol® 接骨木軟糖產品由特強配方製成,含有接骨木果提取物、維生素 C 和鋅,味道可口,可能有助於支援免疫系統健康。



每日一次,每次 2 粒。
網路價:413元,結帳享5%折扣後 393


  • 膳食補充劑和指南
  • 免費線上肺健康指南
  • 膳食補充劑和教育指南,支援健康的肺功能


Lung Saver是一種先進的膳食補充劑和指南,結合極高品質和極有效的形式的阿育吠陀草本與N-乙醯半胱氨酸(NAC),強大的減緩氧化劑,基於極新的科學研究,幫助提供營養支持正常的呼吸功能和效率。阿育吠陀是一個古老的印度醫學系統,仍然在世界上許多地方,為現代研究人員提供了大量的植物產品進行評估。為了優化呼吸健康,Lung-Saver將這些天然成分與教育指南相結合,以説明支持健康的肺。





  • 哮喘
  • 支氣管炎
  • 氣腫
  • 吸煙
  • 環境污染
  • 職業污染物



請按說明服用。遵循在線指南的說明,成年人每日至多 2 次,每次隨餐服用 1 粒膠囊。對於 4-12 歲的兒童,每日服用 1 粒膠囊。

" border="0" src="">


  • 膳食補充劑和指南
  • 免費線上肺健康指南
  • 膳食補充劑和教育指南,支援健康的肺功能


Lung Saver是一種先進的膳食補充劑和指南,結合極高品質和極有效的形式的阿育吠陀草本與N-乙醯半胱氨酸(NAC),強大的減緩氧化劑,基於極新的科學研究,幫助提供營養支持正常的呼吸功能和效率。阿育吠陀是一個古老的印度醫學系統,仍然在世界上許多地方,為現代研究人員提供了大量的植物產品進行評估。為了優化呼吸健康,Lung-Saver將這些天然成分與教育指南相結合,以説明支持健康的肺。





  • 哮喘
  • 支氣管炎
  • 氣腫
  • 吸煙
  • 環境污染
  • 職業污染物



請按說明服用。遵循在線指南的說明,成年人每日至多 2 次,每次隨餐服用 1 粒膠囊。對於 4-12 歲的兒童,每日服用 1 粒膠囊。

網路價:444元,結帳享5%折扣後 422


  • Dietary Supplement & Educational Guide to Support Normal Blood Sugar Levels

The Impact of Blood Glucose on Healthcare

The NIH reports that approximately 25.6 million adults 20 years and older in the United States suffer with the symptoms and the life-altering effects of hyperglycemia, or too much blood sugar. Typically, this condition is the precursor for a number of devastating health problems that can age the body prematurely and contribute to increasing healthcare costs. Direct and indirect costs associated blood sugar issues were estimated in 2007 to be approximately 174 billion dollars**. A number of things can be done to support the management of normal glucose levels. Healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose testing are the most important and most widely recommended. Recent research has suggested that botanicals used in Ayurvedic medicine can have an impact on supporting the balance of glucose in the blood. Supplementation with vital minerals has also suggested great promise in normalizing blood sugar levels.

Blood Sugar and Balanced Glucose Levels

Blood sugar refers to glucose in the blood. Glucose is a simple sugar that is the right amounts provides energy and facilitates metabolic process in the body. Normal glucose levels contribute to overall good health because all functions in the body need glucose. When a glucose imbalance occurs, blood sugar can build up causing a condition known as hyperglycemia, which can be damaging to the entire body, especially kidneys, eyesight, the heart and circulatory system. Too little glucose is known as hypoglycemia, and it, too, can wreak havoc in the body, causing a wide range of symptoms that are not immediately identified as hypoglycemia. An imbalance of blood sugar in the body can be identified by a health care professional through tests designed to specifically measure glucose.

**National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.


Use only as directed. While following the online guide* adults take 1 capsule with a meal up to twice daily. For children 4-12 years of age, take 1 capsule daily.

" border="0" src="">


  • Dietary Supplement & Educational Guide to Support Normal Blood Sugar Levels

The Impact of Blood Glucose on Healthcare

The NIH reports that approximately 25.6 million adults 20 years and older in the United States suffer with the symptoms and the life-altering effects of hyperglycemia, or too much blood sugar. Typically, this condition is the precursor for a number of devastating health problems that can age the body prematurely and contribute to increasing healthcare costs. Direct and indirect costs associated blood sugar issues were estimated in 2007 to be approximately 174 billion dollars**. A number of things can be done to support the management of normal glucose levels. Healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose testing are the most important and most widely recommended. Recent research has suggested that botanicals used in Ayurvedic medicine can have an impact on supporting the balance of glucose in the blood. Supplementation with vital minerals has also suggested great promise in normalizing blood sugar levels.

Blood Sugar and Balanced Glucose Levels

Blood sugar refers to glucose in the blood. Glucose is a simple sugar that is the right amounts provides energy and facilitates metabolic process in the body. Normal glucose levels contribute to overall good health because all functions in the body need glucose. When a glucose imbalance occurs, blood sugar can build up causing a condition known as hyperglycemia, which can be damaging to the entire body, especially kidneys, eyesight, the heart and circulatory system. Too little glucose is known as hypoglycemia, and it, too, can wreak havoc in the body, causing a wide range of symptoms that are not immediately identified as hypoglycemia. An imbalance of blood sugar in the body can be identified by a health care professional through tests designed to specifically measure glucose.

**National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.


Use only as directed. While following the online guide* adults take 1 capsule with a meal up to twice daily. For children 4-12 years of age, take 1 capsule daily.

網路價:384元,結帳享5%折扣後 365


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 適合男士和女士


您的腎臟是非常重要的豆形器官,幫助您的血液保持清潔和化學平衡,調節您體內的液體量, 幫助控制血壓,還生成對於血液和骨骼形成來說非常重要的激素。它們位於您的背部中間位置附近,就在 胸腔下方。

腎臟每天處理約 200 夸脫的血液,以過濾掉約兩夸脫的廢物和多餘的水分。這會變成尿液,流至膀胱儲存起來,直到可以被排出。如果腎臟不過濾血液,廢物就會堆積,對人體具有破壞性。


維護健康的腎臟對於健康來說是必需的。腎臟的小單位叫做腎元,充當篩檢程式,當廢物和水離開血液時,促進複雜的化學交換。過濾之後,腎臟將必需的化學物質,如磷、鉀和鈉 按量配給並釋放回血液。通過這種方式, 腎臟調節和平衡人體中這些物質的水準,而這些物質對於整個系統的整體健康功能是必要的。



必須按照說明使用。成人每次隨餐服用 2-3 粒膠囊,每天兩次。

" border="0" src="">


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 適合男士和女士


您的腎臟是非常重要的豆形器官,幫助您的血液保持清潔和化學平衡,調節您體內的液體量, 幫助控制血壓,還生成對於血液和骨骼形成來說非常重要的激素。它們位於您的背部中間位置附近,就在 胸腔下方。

腎臟每天處理約 200 夸脫的血液,以過濾掉約兩夸脫的廢物和多餘的水分。這會變成尿液,流至膀胱儲存起來,直到可以被排出。如果腎臟不過濾血液,廢物就會堆積,對人體具有破壞性。


維護健康的腎臟對於健康來說是必需的。腎臟的小單位叫做腎元,充當篩檢程式,當廢物和水離開血液時,促進複雜的化學交換。過濾之後,腎臟將必需的化學物質,如磷、鉀和鈉 按量配給並釋放回血液。通過這種方式, 腎臟調節和平衡人體中這些物質的水準,而這些物質對於整個系統的整體健康功能是必要的。



必須按照說明使用。成人每次隨餐服用 2-3 粒膠囊,每天兩次。

網路價:414元,結帳享5%折扣後 394


  • 消化系統健康
  • 有利於肝臟和消化解除毒素的草本混合物
  • 支援肝臟健康
  • 提供減緩氧化保護
  • 奶薊提取物
  • 每份含525毫克
  • 素食
  • 膳食補充劑


  • 有利於肝臟和消化解除毒素的草本混合物,還有助於肝臟健康。
  • 有助於消除代謝副產物。
  • 提供減緩氧化保護
  • 每份含420毫克水飛薊素



網路價:266元,結帳享5%折扣後 253


Take 1 capsule per day with a meal or as directed by your qualified healthcare provider.

" border="0" src="">


  • Cognitive Health
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Supports Circulation & May Reduce Mental Fatigue
  • With Pureleaf™ Ginkgo Biloba 
  • Gluten Free
  • Certified Vegan
  • Non GMO Project Verified


Take 1 capsule per day with a meal or as directed by your qualified healthcare provider.

網路價:260元,結帳享5%折扣後 247


Take 1 capsule, 1-2 times daily, with a meal. Do not exceed recommended dosage.

Important! Read all information and warnings before use.

" border="0" src="">


  • 情緒與壓力
  • 促進放鬆,緩解緊張
  • 30%卡瓦內酯
  • 膳食補充劑


Take 1 capsule, 1-2 times daily, with a meal. Do not exceed recommended dosage.

Important! Read all information and warnings before use.

網路價:207元,結帳享5%折扣後 197


  • Raw* Kidney Glandular Concentrate with Synergistic Complex
  • New Easy to Digest Capsules
  • Dietary Supplement

Raw tissue concentrates are made from toxin-free lyophilized glands from animals grazed on rangelands known to be free of pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics or chemical additives.

*Whole Raw tissue concentrated from bovine sources specially processed (freeze-dried) at or below -5ºC to preserve natural occurring vitamins, enzymes, nucleotides, lipoproteins and all other cellular components.


For Adults: As a dietary supplement, take one to two capsules daily, following a meal.

網路價:214元,結帳享5%折扣後 204
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